Required documents
Please prepare the relevant documents before you depart for Singapore. Remember to bring the original documents with you to Singapore, as well as the original official English translation of any documents not in English.
Before you can collect your Student Pass, you will need to show the immigration officials the originals of all relevant documents .
Please note that failure to present all the necessary documents could lead to your In-Principle Approval being revoked, and you not being able to commence studies in Singapore. If you fail to produce the documents before your Social Visit Pass expires, you will have to leave Singapore.
Basic Documents required for ALL applicants:
(1) Applicant is a national from a visa-required country
- Photocopy of documentary proof of financial ability in the form of bank statements/fixed deposit accounts/saving accounts. (Please show an amount that proves you will be able to pay your school fees and living costs in Singapore for the entire duration of your studies at LASALLE.)
(2) One of the applicant’s parents/step-parents is a Singapore Citizen/Singapore Permanent Resident
- Parent’s/step-parent’s official marriage certificate/divorce certificate and applicant’s custody paper, where applicable (photocopy)
- Parent’s/step-parent’s highest educational certificate (photocopy)
- Parent’s/step-parent’s letter of employment (letter should state date of commencement of employment, designation and salary per month) or copy of Business Registration Certificate (Instant Computer Printout) if applicant’s parent/step-parent is self-employed. These documents should not be issued more than 1 month ago
- Parent’s/step parent’s monthly CPF contribution for the past 12 months
- Parent’s/step parent’s Income Tax Assessment Notices for the past 3 years (photocopy)
(3) Applicant’s spouse is a Singapore Citizen/Singapore Permanent Resident
- Spouse’s marriage certificate/divorce certificate, where applicable (photocopy)
- Spouse’s highest educational certificates (photocopy)
- Spouse’s letter of employment (letter should state date of commencement of employment, designation and salary per month) or Business Registration Certificate (Instant Computer Printout) if applicant’s spouse is self-employed. These documents should not be issued more than 1 month ago
- Spouse’s monthly CPF contribution for the past 12 months
- Spouse’s Income Tax Assessment Notices for the past 3 years (photocopy)
For more information and to see the most updated list of visa-required countries, please visit the ICA website.