
Wang Yuhui Impresses Judges at the Red Dot Design Awards 2017

27 October 2017
Media Release

The Red Dot Awards are among the world’s most prestigious design awards, and in 2017, they celebrated 25 years of outstanding design ideas. With a record number of 8,051 entries across 50 countries, only 749 projects were awarded the coveted seal of excellent design and creativity.

Wang Yuhui, alumna from LASALLE BA(Hons) Design Communication Programme, impressed the 24 international experts on the jury with her campaign, Back Story. As Singapore is home to five million people with various lifestyles, Yuhui felt it was important for citizens to treat each other with respect and understanding in order to maintain social harmony. With Back Story, numerous people are introduced via their backs, as opposed to offering viewers a front view of their faces, where passing of judgment can be quick and biased. This perspective hopes to encourage individuals to be kinder and more open-minded to each other.