
24 April 2019 



Dr Thea Brejzek, Professor for Spatial Theory, University of Technology Sydney
Dr Lawrence Wallen, Professor of Design, University of Technology Sydney
Paramita Atmodiwirjo, PhD, Professor of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia
Yandi Andri Yatmo, PhD Professor of Architecture, Universitas Indonesia

Prof Michael Earley, Dean, Faculty of Performing Arts, LASALLE College of the Arts

Staged Spaces
From Shenzen’s miniature world to Macau’s Venetian hotel, Zumthor’s Therme Vals and the gated communities of South East Asia and the Americas, staged spaces are curiously successful phenomena in the postmodernist-built environment. Situated precariously between architecture and scenography and thus in a dilemma a complete immersion into other worlds yet their thematic and geographic boundaries promise safety and community amid an increasingly fragmented and alienating urban fabric. This interdisciplinary panel will discuss staged spaces as manifestations of meticulously constructed atmospheres and theatrical coup de theatres that both question and redefine space as a social product.