
Creative content IP in the post-truth AI era

Creative content IP in the post-truth AI era

Date & Time
Date: Fri 16 Feb 2024
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm


Lecture Theatre,
Block F Level 2 #F202, LASALLE


Free. The event will be streamed live via YouTube.



Guest speaker: Ronald JJ Wong, director and lawyer, Covenant Chambers LLC
Moderator: Sunitha Janamohanan, lecturer, BA (Hons) Arts Management            

  • Ernest Wu, co-founder and CEO, SERIAL CO_
  • Jonathan Liu, visual artist and co-founder, NFT Asia

Recent developments in generative artificial intelligence (AI) have resulted in astounding products and given rise to lawsuits and debates about creative work and intellectual property. This seminar will consider legal issues arising from the use of generative AI in creative and content producing industries, including copyright and IP ownership in AI-produced works, as well as copyright infringement in training or using AI. In this panel with a lawyer, an artist and a creative entrepreneur, the discussion will evolve around practical implications for creatives, content producers and users.

This seminar is presented as: