Short Courses

Travel Sketching @Georgetown Penang With Susan Olij (4 Days 3 Nights)

This is an intermediate course for participants who have attended the Travel Sketching Short Course and want to travel to destinations in Southeast Asia to practise their techniques and skills on location and gain experience as a travelling artist.

Day 1
Arrive at Penang
Sketch walk briefing and overview of course

Day 2 
Explore Little India and Love Lane, within George Town’s UNESCO World Heritage site
Sketch walk I workshop: Breakfast at Little India 
Sketch walk II workshop: Strolling along Love Lane

Day 3
Discover the Clan Jetties in Penang
Sketch walk III workshop: Chew Jetty and the floating villages
Afternoon sketch walk with Susan (optional)
Farewell dinner
Night sketch walk with Susan (optional)

Day 4
Early morning sketch walk with Susan (optional)
These sketching and meeting locations are subject to change depending on weather and temperature of the workshop dates.

Course fee does not include:
●    Application fee and GST
●    Accommodation and airport transfers
●    Travel insurance including cancellations and COVID-19 and hospitalisation coverage
●    Meals and refreshments
●    Art supplies
●    Tips and other personal expenses

Note: Participants must have a valid personal travel and health insurance. It is recommended that they stay in the same accommodation as the instructor for the convenience of facilitating group activities. Participants can also stay in hotels within walking distance to the instructor’s accommodation. For more information, please write to

About the trainer
Susan Olij is a travelling artist who completed a world tour to 15 countries in 15 months in 2019, and has produced numerous travel sketchbooks of Singapore and Southeast Asia. Educated in fashion design and fine arts in the UK and the US, Susan runs her own studio and teaches the travel sketching Short Courses at LASALLE. Her teaching techniques focus on observation skills and techniques of travel artists working outdoors and on locations using two hemisphere brain learning and style.

For more information, please write to


No. of classes Days Dates Time
4 Fri – Mon 25 Oct – 28 Oct 2024 3 hours per sketch walk (timing varies)

Application Information

Course materials

To be advised before the course’s start date. Cost of materials: approximately $50–$70 to be purchased by participants.

Who should attend

People of all ages who have attended travel sketching short courses or have done some urban sketching on locations and are interested in taking their travel sketching locations overseas.

Eligible schemes / subsidies:
Claimable under SkillsFuture Credit


Note: Course fee not inclusive of application fee and GST.