

To maintain an active and vibrant alumni community, you can give back to LASALLE by volunteering your time, passion and talent. Here are some areas you can contribute to:

  • Mentor our students
  • Raise funds for financially needy students
  • Form your own alumni group and initiate social events and gatherings
  • Share your testimony of life at LASALLE during special events like the Open House and Career Festival
  • Host a LASALLE student for a day at your workplace

If you would like to get involved or have other ideas to engage with LASALLE, do email us at or stay connected with us via Facebook.

Ambassador Programme

Alumni ambassadors are specially appointed alumni leaders who believe in the importance of strong linkages between alumni and other stakeholders in the LASALLE community.

Role of Alumni Ambassadors:

  • Advising and working with the Advancement on strategies for more effective alumni engagement
  • Creating greater awareness of alumni activities among fellow alumni
  • Facilitating meaningful interactions among alumni and other stakeholders at alumni-related events and activities

Selection Criteria:

  • LASALLE diploma, undergraduate or postgraduate alumni
  • Were actively involved in LASALLE’s activities as a student
  • Able to represent and reach out to various alumni groups or professional industries, and have an active alumni network
  • Able to contribute towards the engagement and strengthening of the alumni community
  • Able to commit to fulfilling the stipulated responsibilities of alumni ambassadors and uphold their roles in a professional manner

If you are committed to supporting the College in building a strong global alumni community and advancing the interests of LASALLE alumni, we welcome you to email us at

Mentorship Programme

LASALLE Mentorship Programme connects our alumni with LASALLE students to:

  • Guide and provide insights into their artistic practices
  • Provide invaluable industry knowledge
  • Share key career opportunities and professional networks


  • Provide LASALLE students with an opportunity to learn from alumni's experiences, personal insights, knowledge and industry know-how
  • Encourage the development of networks
  • Provide LASALLE students with guidance in their creative career
  • Encourage alumni to give back to the LASALLE community

If you are passionate about mentoring future artists and designers, we welcome you to email us at

See also