International Student Guide

Overseas Representatives

LASALLE has appointed a network of overseas representatives to provide programme advice and application services to international students. International applicants are strongly encouraged to apply via our appointed overseas representatives.

Countries with LASALLE representatives are Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

Our appointed overseas representatives may charge up to S$4,500 in service fees per student.


Payment schedule

Phase 1 – Upon application submission
50% of the Service Fee specified by the agency can be collected to cover administrative costs including document verification and translation services. Service Fees paid at this phase are non-refundable.

Phase 2 – Upon issuance of Offer Letter
Remaining 50% of the Service Fee specified by the agency to be collected. Service Fees paid at this phase are only refunded if the application for the Student’s Pass is unsuccessful.

Find an Overseas Representative

  • Cambodia
  • China
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar
  • Philippines
  • South Korea
  • Sri Lanka
  • Thailand
  • Vietnam
Agents whose contracts were not renewed (effective 1 July 2024)

Singapore (Cambodia) International Academy Co,. Ltd


Redpoint International Consultancy Pte Ltd.

South Korea

HY Overseas Education Service